Thursday, March 1, 2012

Adobe Creative Suite Tutorial

I completed an Adobe Photoshop tutorial on how to mask layers with clipping masks. A clipping mask allows you to cover a layer with the one above it, but only show certain parts that you've drawn out to allow the image to show through.

Here is my Before image:

I will then add this picture with a clipping mask to make it look as though it is on one of the screens:

To create this clipping mask, first I had to cut out the screen that I wanted the flowers image to cover and paste in onto its own layer. To cut the image, I used the rectangle marquee tool, drew it around the single screen, cut the screen, created a new layer, and pasted the screen in place. So, the layers from top to bottom include: flowers image, the single screen (cut and pasted), and then the rest of the computers that the single screen was cut from.

You have to make sure that the image you want to show through is on top of the one you want to cover. To get your clipping mask to do this, simply press Option (Mac) or Command (Windows) and click the dividing black like that lies between the two layers in the Layers panel. You have now completed a clipping mask!

Here is the final image:

To use this image, save it as a flattened TIFF or EPS file and import it into InDesign. Make sure any image you import has a resolution of 300!

I completed this tutorial with this link.
All images used were obtained as copyright free images from

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