Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Newspaper Ad Project

Our third project for Digital File Prep is a newspaper ad for our PSU Collegio. The budget for this ad is $97. An example of how to figure out how much the ad would cost looks something like this:

5 column inches by 3 inches = 15 column inches
15 column inches by $4 per inch = $60

If I used that size of an ad, I would be $37 under budget.

Project specifications include:
  • no bleed
  • minimum .125 inch margins
  • black and white only
It is also suggested that we enhanced the contrast in our black and white photos, and be careful if we choose to use a background image or a watermark. In this project, we are required to use a bitmap image, and that will take care of the bitmap on our Master Image List.

I have decided to do a newspaper advertisement for a made-up coffee shop called Grain de Cafe, which means the Coffee Bean in French. I love coffee, and I know a lot of college students rely heavily on coffee to keep them going.

Here a my five thumbnails I sketched for the project:

Here is my rough draft:

Here's my final image!

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