Thursday, May 5, 2011

Design II Hat Project

In my Design II class, we had to make autobiographical hats, or hats that described things about us. Everything we had to use for our hats had to be metaphorical and not typically used to make hats. With my hat, my teacher wanted me to focus on the fact that I’m shy and that I blush all the time. With that in mind, I picked out a pink table cover to have the color represent my blushing. I made the structure out of pipe cleaners and folded different sizes of fans to cover the whole hat. I picked fans because you use them to cover your face. I hope you all know what fans I’m talking about! The ones a lot of you probably made in elementary school where you fold them back and forth and staple the bottom together. Anyway, here is my hat! I’m pretty happy with it. It took me forever to come up with this idea. Everyone in class said my hat was the only hat out of everyone’s that could actually be sold. I don’t know about that! Someone may buy it to go to a British wedding.